Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FCI’s New Service Offering-The FCI Maintenance Agreement

In the New Year, FCI is focused on providing better services to our clients.  The latest service provided by FCI is the new FCI Maintenance Agreement.  This is a contractual service offered to past, present and potential clients of FCI.  Sustainability and saving money is a priority for all businesses and the maintenance agreement does both.   This service allows businesses to take advantage of a universal flush of their energy consumption.  This opportunity intends to strategically assess an entire building to effectively calculate energy usage, hours of operations, business tasks, employee traffic, and other miscellaneous factors that affect the overhead. 
The procedure is simple.  FCI will agree to provide the audit and consultation – which includes site inspection and survey of what is existing, audit and evaluation of what is non-efficient, and recommend energy-efficient upgrade opportunities.  The initial inspection and retrofit is scheduled upon signing of the Maintenance Agreement.  This includes but is not limited to complete re-lamping, replacement, retrofit and cleaning of client’s “maintained items”, which will be listed within the terms of the agreement.  Retrofit is a term used to “upgrade” non-efficient items, which will also be included within the terms of the agreement, where upgrades are appropriate. 
This agreement describes maintenance services to the client for a twelve (12) month period.  Quarterly inspection and maintenance visits will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.  In the event of an emergency, FCI will respond accordingly to fulfill needs and services within the contract year.
The maintenance service will be performed in a professional and competent manner, conforming to industry standards.  Each of the individuals assigned to provide any service under this agreement has the proper skill, training, and background to provide the maintenance.  All products will be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and will carry the manufacturer’s warranties on products. 
For more information regarding FCI or the Maintenance Agreement service or to schedule a consultation, please contact FCI at (562) 719-9300.

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