Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Future of Energy Management

Gone are the days when only large organizations and businesses with mammoth sized budgets were the ones who had the ability to control their energy efficiency fates (so to speak). A new era is dawning where small companies (the majority of businesses that exist) will be able to have tools just as sophisticated and effective as those used by Boeing. FCI has partnered with Siemens to offer their new EcoView, a no nonsense energy management system, that allows businesses 10,000 sq. ft. and smaller to enjoy the power and privilege of a more efficient operation. Priced competitively, easy to set up and use (you can control it remotely from an iPhone or iPad), and an ROI of about less that 24 months (usually), it has all the ingredients needed to help small companies take their operations to the next level and save a nice chunk of change in the process. One of FCI's core values has always been innovation and we are excited to help lead the way in this new era of broader energy management opportunities by offering this "cool" new system to our amazing clients. 

FCI is intuned and aware that what customers look for is a system that is efficient, effective and user friendly. FCI and EcoView can deliver this to its customers at a competitive price.  This system is also unique because of it's ability to help small companies and large companies.  This new offering is about helping ALL of our customers achieve maximum energy effiency.

For more information on the FCI and Siemens system partnership of EcoView, contact FCI Management Consultants at (562) 719-9300.