Monday, March 14, 2011

Weatherization-The Bread and Butter of Energy Efficiency (Delivering a Sustainable Planet #3)

FCI Managment has been positioning itself to be a leader in weatherization services for the residential sector. We are involved with several utility company weatherization programs that allow customers to receive free attic insulation, window glass replacement, and new low flow shower heads just to name a few measures. We believe that weatherization is a very important component to our program portfolio because roughly 80% of homes in the US were built before 1973 when there was no enforced energy code, such as Part 6 of Title 24. The ultimate goal of weatherization is to reduce household energy consumption while making the home safer, more comfortable, and greener for household residents in the process. Customers can begin to see savings immediately by just making a few adjustments in their behavior, so we not only seek to improve a home's features but to educate our residential clients in the process. Our team of HERS (Home Energy Rating System) raters and BPI (Building Performance Institute) professionals employ state of the art equipment, software, and methods to help residential customers achieve maximum results. We seek to assertively decrease the percentage of in-efficient homes in the state of California in our effort to Deliver a Sustainable Planet. For more information on our weatherization services and programs, visit

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